Redirect Your Child’s Energy Towards Positive Activities

Children can be full of energy. They’ll move around the house, leaving a trail of toys or other types of mess, trying to use that energy. Let’s learn how you can redirect your child’s energy towards positive activities. This way, your little one can use up their energy while still doing something productive.  

Positive Reinforcement

Children respond well to positive reinforcement instead of punishment or negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when children are encouraged to repeat a desired behavior through rewards. These rewards can be of several types. For example, if your child agrees to brush their teeth before bedtime, you can reward them with a trip to their favorite cousin’s house. 

Keep them Busy

Make a schedule and stick to it. Keeping your child busy and focused on positive activities such as gardening and reading will not give them enough time to making messes and running around, trying to get rid of pent up energy.

Redirect Them

Quickly think up a way to involve your child in desirable but positive activities. Redirect their attention towards something more exciting by making it sound appealing and desirable. Children have a short attention span and quickly forget what they were doing before. Following are some activities that you can plan: 

Arts and Crafts

Bright colors produce happy hormones in children. Let your child explore their imagination by providing them with paints, crayons, playdough, etc. When they work with their hands to create something, it will help them channelize their energy productively and creatively. 

Outdoor Activities

If your child is constantly cramped up inside, especially during the pandemic lockdowns, plan a day out. Even if you can only access your garage or front porch, plan a camping day to spend some time in the fresh air under the open sky and let your child indulge in physical activities. 

Assign them Chores

Helping around the house teaches children responsibility and discipline. You can reward them whenever they successfully complete a task to motivate them to do chores again.  Your kids will enjoy helping you out more than you can think! 

Sign Them Up for Martial Arts or Sports

Karate, Tae Kwon Do, swimming, or team sports are all physically challenging activities that channel a child’s energy positively. 

Bottom Line

Discipline is an important component of parenting, without which your child won’t learn how to navigate their emotions and thoughts and express them in a healthy way. This is why you should help them let out their energy in ways that help them explore their creativity and remain productive.